
How to Put Your Lust to Death

YourlustOnly a passion for Christ and His Word can truly put lust to rest. If you are struggling with sexual lust, then look for faith-based groups that offer self-help.

The introduction paragraph of an essay should clearly state the question or topic the body paragraphs will be addressing. This is important because the introductory paragraph drives the thesis.

1. It’s just a symptom

If you’re lusting after someone, you probably don’t know that person very well. If you are highlighting their good qualities while ignoring their bad, it’s a sign your attraction is based more on superficial traits than the person’s personality or character. This is not true love and it’s not healthy.

If your lust starts to interfere with your daily life, it’s time to take a closer look at the person and their influence in your relationship. Ask your friends what they think about this person, and be willing to hear the truth – even if it isn’t what you want to hear. Remember that they are probably noticing things your lust-hazed mind is not capable of noticing.

A counselor or therapist can help you navigate your thoughts and emotions. You should look for a therapist or counselor who specializes in relationships, or can provide faith-based advice. You may need to try several different groups before you find one that feels comfortable.

Practicing self-discipline is important. Start by removing yourself from things that fuel your lust – such as movies, magazines and discussions – until the urges subside. It might be difficult at first, but over time, you’ll notice that the lustful thoughts don’t hold as much power over you. It will also be easier to avoid the person you are lusting for.

2. It’s a trap

When people are in lust, they often make bad decisions. They say yes, when they really mean no, drive down a dead-end road at 90 mph and even give up your identity to hold onto something that isn’t real. It’s a trap that can lead to a lot of pain and heartache.

The event It’s a Trap in Fallout 76 is a good example. This event requires Dwellers to lure a scorchbeast and then trap it in order to neutralize it. When a person is in an ecstatic state, they cannot see the scorchbeast as it is.

3. It’s a distraction

Have you ever tried to finish a task, but found that thirty minutes had passed after you checked social media on your phone or sent an email? That’s a distraction.

Sometimes, distraction is a welcome break from something stressful or unpleasant. It’s good to take a break to browse Instagram or rewatch an episode of Game of Thrones to decompress. But there comes a point when it becomes a strategy to avoid the future you desire.

“An important part of the equation is to be honest with yourself about how you’re using your lust as a coping mechanism,” Bonior tells SELF. Once you realize that your lustful thoughts and behaviors are keeping you from accomplishing tasks you find challenging or boring, it’s easier to identify other healthy ways to cope–and retrain your brain to seek out those alternatives instead.

4. It’s a distraction to your work

You can’t avoid meetings or the gruntwork that you have to do. You will have assignments to complete and papers due. In a world where success is measured by money and wealth, the urge to put off those tasks will only get worse.

Many people who talk about how to overcome distractions frame it as a battle against evil outside forces. This is a mistake, because distraction is not a war against you.