
Mia Queen

Ethnicity: Asian

_Miaqueen_Asians span a continent of diverse cultures, from the highly urbanized, industrialized nations of Japan and South Korea to the ancient hunter-gatherer traditions of Central Asia. Some Asians feel that they are part a pan-ethnic group such as East Asians or Southeast Asians, while others believe they are a part of their own regional group.

In the new survey most Asians said that people in the U.S. knew them as Asians, and a majority from the six biggest Asian origin groups said they were proud to be Asian Americans. However, the use of ethnic identity drops the longer immigrants spend in the United States.

Among the groups with large numbers of adults, Filipino and Indian adults are least likely to describe themselves as Asian or Asian American. Instead, they are more likely to identify as multiracial.

Language: English

Mia Queen is a socialite and heir to her family’s company. She is a gentle, polite person, grateful to Oliver for saving Star City and loving towards friends and family. She is an expert archer, and has been taught by Nyssa Al Ghul how to use trick-arrows such as the grappling-hook arrow. She carries a quiver and bow that were given to her by Oliver Queen. She uses it as a melee weapon when fighting close. She is proficient in martial arts such as Aikido, boxing, Hapkido, Judo, Karate and Taekwondo. She is also proficient in using improvised weaponry such as knives, sticks and staffs.

Mia has been romantically involved with Connor Hawke, an agent of Knightwatch and John Diggle’s adopted son.